for the masses
More than just healthcare benefits
Smartian is an Employee Benefits Platform that provides employees access to subsidised Life & Wellness products & services.
We empower companies to provide benefits beyond healthcare, allowing employees access benefits that are relevant to their needs, including their dependants.
Smartian for the Masses
Smartian is the only answer that focuses on the wellness of your employees. Smartian is built for all companies and employees, even if you are just starting up alone or you are bigger than Google, we got you covered. Temporary workforce? Welcome to the benefits you deserve.
Services We Provide
Employee Benefits
HR System for Automated Claims
In-app booking and purchases of benefits
Partners with discounted rates for wide range of wellness categories

Better Features for HR
Integration Made Easier
Integrate all employee details through file migration, track expenditure and allocate desired Benefit Credits amount based on hierarchy or entitlements.
Manage Group Benefits
Segregate Benefit Credits and Categories inclusion in accordance to individual subsidiaries, if the Benefits package differs between respective subsidiaries.
Automated Claims Consolidation
HR will receive all claims by employees consolidated on a monthly basis for record keeping.
E-Claim Function
Manual E-Claims function is available for non listed partners that are still within approved categories. Employees can upload their digital receipts directly on the platform for claim approvals.
Analytics Report
Keep track of benefits usage to review on employees needs and wants. This helps companies understand their employees more in depth.
Our Partners